In case you are wondering about how massage therapy can help you, think about the chemicals produced by the brain that induce serenity and feelings of joy- dopamine for example. Massage therapy releases these chemicals that induce these feelings. These feelings have staying power. A massage can be beneficial in many ways. As a complementary therapy to mental health services, a massage can help alleviate some of the stressors that trigger a person’s need to seek out a therapist.
While a massage therapist can not diagnose or treat a mental health condition, a massage therapist can stand in the middle, like a bridge- to make the person have a more positive life experience. If you are interested in a massage and have a medical condition, it is important that you reach out to your primary care physician to assure that massage is safe. Sometimes a condition is contraindicated- massage can cause harm. Some of the additional benefits of massage include help with circulation, sleep, and hypertension.
Again, for some it may feel like it, but massage therapy does not take the place of your mental health provider or your primary care physician. Please feel free to reach out to discuss any concerns. Hope to see you!
Montgomery County Community College 2017
West Chest University
DISCLAIMER: Sessions with Ms. Velesia Lewis are charged at a flat rate of $70 per session, as insurance does not cover this type of service. Payments for service will be collected prior to the session and all tips can be paid directly to the provider.